Hi, I'm Dr. Tanya Raquel
I am a performance and executive coach, trained survivor advocate, and a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I serve as a coach to dedicated individuals to create the lives they desire. I know from my own journey as well as that of individuals and groups I've worked alongside that courage and fear, sacrifice and accomplishment, heartache and triumph often co-exist along our path - no matter our walk of life. My mission is to build partnerships where professionals feel embraced to freely express their challenges, goals, and disappointments while also (re)discovering their authentic power and cutting any limiting beliefs and/or self-sabotaging habits that keep them from excellence. My purpose is to honor every client’s journey and autonomy while co-creating transformative partnerships that lead to deep empowerment, enhanced confidence, self-reflection, and courageous action.
My Story
For the majority of my life, I unlocked success through my internal relentless drive and commitment to the goals I had for my professional and personal life. I often share with clients, “I’m a recovering joyful workaholic.” I was catapulted from experience to experience, responsibility to responsibility, and success to success embracing each with open arms. I took risks. I failed. I learned my strengths and areas of improvement. I felt as though every goal I set for myself I accomplished. Then, unexpectedly my father – my biggest supporter, confidant, and truly “my person” up to that point – passed away without notice or a goodbye. My world shifted and achieving without intention suddenly became less fulfilling and meaningful. I began living life as though each day was a gift I would never experience again.
Then, five years later and after 12 years as a professor, sport psychology professional in athletics, and certified mental performance consultant (CMPC), I pivoted into building my own business that I previously treated as a side hustle. Along the way, my gift and passion for coaching executives and high performing humans outside of sport was unveiled.
Every human is different – their personality, identity, field, challenges, values, the organizations and causes they are contributing to as well as their professional goals and needs – and, coaching, for me, is both a flow state and an expression of unconditional compassion, encouragement, and belief in another human’s potential and possibilities. We all have a story to tell, a journey to live, and something we may need to heal from or grow into while evolving into our best selves. It is the honor of my professional life to be a coach to all who welcome my partnership on their journey.